Collarme is an internet dating site and like many such sites it is bedevilled by members who attract contact by pretending to be the person in the photograph displayed on their profile. Fakesters on Collarme pose a very serious risk to real people using the site. And often they look quite nice!
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The risk to genuine Collarme users from fakesters are, broadly speaking, twofold. The first is to life and limb. Collarme is a D/s site, and the risks could hardly be exagerated. The second kind of risk relates to internet fraud and ID theft. Anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that a large number of fakester profiles on Collarme are not there for titilation, but for money. The extent to which this is part of organised crime is impossible to gauge, but Collarme offers opportunities like a criminal's paradise.
These fakester profiles multiply at an incredible rate. Every day there must be more than one hundred new profiles on Collarme, and possibly half of these new profiles are suspect. You have to wonder what exactly is driving this influx?
The TOS of Collarme clearly state that impersonating another person breaks their rules
7.3.15. You will not impersonate any person or entity, and will accurately represent Your gender in Your profile communications
Why should it fall to an independent blog like this one to try to promote the TOS and help genuine users from being entrapped?
Why should it fall to an independent blog like this one to try to promote the TOS and help genuine users from being entrapped?
Why the owners of collarme are not protecting their own members is something of a mystery. The moderators on Collarme, make no effort to remove obviously fake profiles, if the fake profiles are female. The presumption must be that female profiles drive membership of the site, and membership of the site is what brings in advertising revenue.
There is a system on Collarme for reporting fake profiles. Its an automated system. No one oversees it. What seems rather scary, is that Collarme will delete the profiles of users who report fake profiles using that automated system. That seems to indicate that someone on Collarme's staff takes a dim view of losing members, even though such profiles clearly break Collarme's own TOS and may be obviously fake.
This isn't an isolated phenomenon. Collarme will also delete profiles or journals of users who make reference to any fake profiles. Worse still various members of the site have reported receiving threats because they have reported profiles! This surely raises some difficult questions. If the profile reporting system is automated and not overseen, who is making the threats?
Along similar lines, this blog was originally hosted by another blog site, was taken down by them (it appears) at the request of Collarme. If the moderators of Collarme tell me that it wasnt because of any pressure from anyone connected to their website, I will be glad to hear of it. Collarme's owners or moderators are more than welcome to respond to anything on this blog.
The aim of this blog, is to help users identify where else on the Internet that photograph occurs. Once it is clear that a photograph appears on other websites (mainly image forums) anyone can ask the person using that photograph, whether that is them, and why they are using a photograph from those pages.
There is a system on Collarme for reporting fake profiles. Its an automated system. No one oversees it. What seems rather scary, is that Collarme will delete the profiles of users who report fake profiles using that automated system. That seems to indicate that someone on Collarme's staff takes a dim view of losing members, even though such profiles clearly break Collarme's own TOS and may be obviously fake.
This isn't an isolated phenomenon. Collarme will also delete profiles or journals of users who make reference to any fake profiles. Worse still various members of the site have reported receiving threats because they have reported profiles! This surely raises some difficult questions. If the profile reporting system is automated and not overseen, who is making the threats?
Along similar lines, this blog was originally hosted by another blog site, was taken down by them (it appears) at the request of Collarme. If the moderators of Collarme tell me that it wasnt because of any pressure from anyone connected to their website, I will be glad to hear of it. Collarme's owners or moderators are more than welcome to respond to anything on this blog.
The aim of this blog, is to help users identify where else on the Internet that photograph occurs. Once it is clear that a photograph appears on other websites (mainly image forums) anyone can ask the person using that photograph, whether that is them, and why they are using a photograph from those pages.
It may be that they have a very persuasive explanation. But frequently, there could be no other explanation from the user than "actually that photo isn't me". For example
Anitasub, has an image from a fashion catalogue. The user has removed the "inmagine" logo from the image before posting it.
And brandedmom turns out to be a famous Tamil actress!
I cannot see any reason why Collarme should not positively encourage that its members can make such discoveries. Check the other blog entries for fuller details.